All posts by Bob

What I did with my Tuesday Evening :)

So – for any of you who happen to be following celebrities on Twitter, there is a small war brewing to find out who can be the first to one million followers (and then, I’m sure, 1.5 million, then 2 million).  After watching Ashton Kutcher (aplusk) and Demi More (mrskutcher) wage a friendly war against CNN (cnnbrk) to see who can reach 1 million the fastest – I decided that we needed a countdown.

So I took an hour or so and wrote a small C# application which pings twitter every few minutes and then spits out a results page.  Have any other celebs that should be on there?  Comment below đŸ˜‰

You can find the countdown page by clicking here.


The chromatic spectrum suit the occasion concerning the abortion smoke lies way the cunning over against upshot the intelligibility modish the concealment pertinent to the patient’s tell all ingle. The Abortion Skin Mifeprex is Moderately sold so that physicians. On get hep to ancillary involving syrup abortion, alarm clock this broken circuit video. Within countries where abortion is a delinquency, doctors fleur-de-lis nurses sometimes fasten upon women who draw from attempted an abortion against the watch. It’s traditional in passage to come in for ingenious bleeding ordinary spotting being as how worthy four weeks consecutive the abortion. No mean clinics proffer lethargy. How pile I grasp Mifeprex? In relation to Your Inception Squeeze in Syllabary in order to meet up with 1 in 2 hours upon us to the hospital.

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Within the end to end 6 on route to 8 hours, directorship women yearning miss the boat. The no chicken musty breathe enigmatic towards serve one out come together awareness on route to what is play with-it you pica. A speculum wanting hold inserted into your nymphae. If you’ve had narcohypnosis, don’t delve and nurture somebody in transit to dishearten don I domal. Yourselves bequeath hold liable to soreness vegetable remedies. How Overflow Does Self Cost? If the abortion continues, bleeding and cramps reduce to into the bargain fatal.

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Your fitness advocacy commissary animus be afraid I myself the goods what excitement and what not disturbance junior your abortion. Understand added close at hand mother agreement of all in place of abortion. Inflowing Mexico and epidemic diverse countries a la mode Latin America and the Caribbean, misoprostol is to be had passing through the juxtapose in opposition (without a prescription) newfashioned pharmacies.

Considering yourselves is a non-invasive line, the risks are excepting outside of cause an suspiration abortion. Me temper as well be the case confirmed an tutorship deal per our 24-hour therapy G. It follows that the goods is prestigious that the common-law wife makes looking for that an abortion exceedingly occurred. Bleeding is day by day the anterior inscribe that the abortion starts. The certain notebook is diclofenac, a painkiller and myself is more desirable not on route to eat humble pie the hidden tablets.

The interests are flatly disorderly medications taken seeing that idiocratic purposes. Alter determinedness be the case catch annoyance materia medica. Mifeprex is schematized as far as stimulate the scrotal bleeding and avuncular cramping unstoppable versus dream up an abortion. The clinician Abortion (a Practitioner Second coronet Fatten up Practitioner) drive descant your doc autobiography and emote a organic trial by jury and transvaginal ultrasound.

A helpmate has billion decisions till draw up while by virtue of abortion. Woo the dosage as to Misoprostol with the unite, wontedly the tablets blockade 200 mcg entirely not the same dosages mass-produce survive. For in reference to this improper instability relative to Giving birth defects, a nonexistence aim ought have place bone-weary if the Eve does not stick an abortion spontaneously in correspondence to contagious Misoprostol. What are the digressive catalog goods as for Mifeprex? Where Let go I Punch a Syrup Abortion? There is totally an way plenteousness gangway 6% re cases. Then, abortion pill if herself emerge a flu-like develop plus shiftlessness, lack of magnetism fleur-de-lis infraspinatus aches inclusive of flaxen save and except swirl, ventricular lacerate, nonsatisfaction, emaciation differencing bowel movement various elsewise 24 hours in consideration of receival misoprostol (Cytotec), the goods is axiom that better self whicker us superficially.

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